
I am a passionate game designer with a love for elegant and emergent systems. While my focus is on systems design, my competencies span a variety of roles throughout the game development pipeline. I pride myself on my ability to communicate effectively with each discipline on the team, and I hope to develop my skills even further as I bring them into the industry.

My skills include:

  • Systems Design
  • Systems Prototyping
  • World Design
  • Level Design
  • Game Documentation

sdcote99@gmail.com | LinkedIn

Kessler Syndrome Banner

Kessler Syndrome (2023)Systems Designer

A retraux first-person horror game about maintaining a decaying space station, developed in Unreal Engine 5.

Taking Inventory Banner

Taking Inventory (2021)Solo Project

An experimental Twine game about introspective brain-crafting.

Petal Pilot Banner

Petal Pilot (2020)Solo Project

A zen top-down dogfighter where weapons grow flowers, developed in Gamemaker Studio 2.